Stepping into the world of brand-new pianos is an exciting endeavor filled with promise and potential. These pristine instruments are like untouched canvases waiting for your artistic touch, inviting you to create a symphony of melodies on keys that have yet to be played. Their flawless appearance and unblemished sound quality make them a captivating choice.
Each brand-new piano comes with a guarantee of quality and durability, courtesy of a manufacturer’s warranty. This warranty not only serves as your safety net, but it’s also an assurance that the instrument has passed stringent quality control measures.
Investing in a new piano means you’re the maestro that gets to shape the instrument’s voice. As the first player, you have the unique opportunity to break in the piano according to your playing style. Over time, the instrument will respond to your touch, eventually evolving to match your style, enhancing your overall playing experience.
A new piano is an untouched musical journey waiting to be embarked upon, offering the joy of discovery, the potential for growth, and the thrill of creating music on an instrument that’s exclusively yours from the first note. While the initial investment may be higher than for a used piano, the rewards of owning a new piano — both tangibly and intangibly — make it an investment worth considering. After all, music is an investment in happiness, and a new piano is a treasure trove of potential melodies waiting to be discovered and enjoyed.
Founded in 1963, Grafton Piano continues to be a 2nd & 3rd Generation family-owned business. We built our present Souderton store in 1972. We offer the largest selection of pianos, organs and keyboard products in the area and cover the tri-state area. We’ve designed and installed hundreds of custom Church organ installations. We also handle anything you need in pianos; from moving and tuning to complete refinishing and rebuilding. Our years of experience servicing organs served as a solid basis for later servicing digital and player pianos.